A leader requires no title, he is a leader by his attitude and skills.
The foundation of a Yes
What can be the foundation of a genuine and sincere ‘Yes’?
The need of a patient hearing
A patient hearing can go a long way in solving many problems before they arise.
An endless support of excuses
We thrive on an endless support of excuses – consciously or sub-consciously
Being hands on
‘Being hands on’ increasingly diminishes as one grows up the corporate ladder. Do we really need to be more hands on in our work?
Optimism knows no fear
Fears stop us from becoming what we can. What is the antidote?
Time to go back to the old way of writing your notes…everytime needed
A thought on jotting down your notes on paper…every time.
Are you asking enough questions…every moment
Leaders ask questions, at the right time and appropriate to the person and the situation. They do it all the time.
Getting some time to focus on the present
Getting some time to focus on the present is a lot harder these days. More often than not, you would have to make a conscious effort to do the same.
Treating customer service as profit center, huh?
Are you treating your customer service or your warranty department as a cost center? Well, then it’s time to consider a different perspective as well.