We hear a lot about our online privacy. We are concerned about our private information. The chance of it being misused by the corporations, hackers and other entities arise fear in us. Yet, if we observe ourselves, we are getting more and more comfortable with our information getting collected by others.

In other words, the question is, are we pushing the envelope enough of our online privacy? Companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook etc. or the various governments are collecting ever increasing data about us. They may know how we surf the web, our shopping habits, our interests, sometimes our age, gender and a host of other things which we might not be comfortable sharing with others. But, as this phenomenon of collecting user information for monetization becomes omnipresent, it has started to become the new normal for us.

Unless, the users feel surprised by how their information was used or misused, they might be fine enough to not bother excessively about their information. We believe we know exactly what’s going to happen to the information. This feeling seems to be growing with time. Our children just take these things for granted. They haven’t seen the start of this era where no or very little user information was collected.

Expect to see more apps, software, websites, networks that will try to collect and monetize things that we used to think of as off limits. The race will be to create value from information (and not surprise us in the while).