I read a good article detailing the commencement address to the graduates of Campbell University Law School, by Jim Whitehurst, Red Hat’s Chief Executive Officer. He sought to inspire the future leaders through his own experiences as a rising executive at difficult times at Delta Airlines and as the leader of the world’s top Linux developer and services provider.
I liked some of his lines:
I see too many leaders who take the short cut – they simply say “go do this because I said so.” That is the simplest way to disenfranchise those with whom you work. You, by virtue of your degree and title, will have positional authority. But I implore you to use that position sparingly. Work to engage those around you. You will be personally more effective, but also gratified by the results you inspire in others.
Constructive engagement of their employees and teams is something which great leaders do all the time. They never fear to be pointed wrong and in fact, they encourage healthy debate during discussions. Leaders central job is to bring the best out of their teams and this is (Jim’s views) one thing which will definitely not help this cause.