Recently, I learned this new concept of passing the ‘Airport test’. My mentor told me that this test envisages that if you are stuck on an airport (connecting flights, flight getting delayed etc.) and have nothing to do – can you spend those hours with a given person and enjoy the company? If the answer is ‘yes’ then that person passes your ‘Airport test’. He even mentioned that sometimes this test is being used by recruiting managers to find the right fit.

I loved the concept. At the same time, the last bit of above paragraph worried me. Should the recruiters use this criterion to test the compatibility of a person for an organization? I believe that this might introduce a lot of personal bias in the process. If we intentionally look for a suitable fit for us, rather than for the organization (the assumption is we are a good fit for the organization anyways) then other objective criterion may sub-consciously take a back seat which might be of more value for an organization, depending on role and requirements. The test is of value if we are aware that this is a good to have criterion and may not be a deal breaker.