Time to realize a powerful but very simple truth about your audience to help you relax and make best speeches.
The power of ‘I don’t know’
There is immense power in admitting that you don’t know. Try yourself saying ‘I don’t know’ when you don’t and start realizing the benefits.
Educator Vs Teacher
Do we need a teacher or an educator? What’s the difference between them?
A woman of few words
Some text book communication tips displayed in a meeting
I disagree. Well, that’s great!
Disagreement is needed most of the times but do we realize that?
The secret to awesome phone conversations
How to have those phone conversations where you are able to create a friendly and a more conducive atmosphere for the listeners?
Taking that elusive pause
Why is it important to take a pause in our conversations, especially after a question and how can it help us?
The foundation of a Yes
What can be the foundation of a genuine and sincere ‘Yes’?
Time to go back to the old way of writing your notes…everytime needed
A thought on jotting down your notes on paper…every time.
Wading through the information overload
We are inundated with excess information through a plethora of digital and offline channels. A few pointers to help you develop your strategy to tackle this information overload.