The elevator pitch is that big chance you get to sell your company, product, service or even yourself in just one or two minutes.

If one sticks to a few essential basics, he can deliver a lasting impression on the other person. Some of them can be:


  • Don’t over-emphasize the importance of the pitch. Yes, it may be very important for you but don’t become extra nervous or shaky by the fear of it. Ensure you give your best and remember that there is always a next chance waiting for you.


  • Simplify. Cut the jargon and be concise, crisp and consumable. The more you talk relevant and crisp, the more are your chances of getting to the next level of talks with the other person.


  • Prepare well. Anticipate questions, research backgrounds and rehearse. Nothing can increase your chances of winning more but a sincere practice.


  •  The elevator speech doesn’t need to be aggressive or over the top. All you want to do is generate enough interest to pique their interest. Explain the essence of what you are pitching and then clearly demonstrate the differentiators.