I recently read an interesting article on Linkedin. It talked about how we should treat MONEY i.e. about our attitude towards money.
I pulled out some interesting quotes from the article to summarize its essence:
Money will never define you. You define your money.
I only became the money lady once I learned to downgrade the importance of money in my life.
I fully appreciate the need to have a base level of money to be able to live a safe and healthy life. The hard part is recognizing that once you have the basic necessities covered, what you do with money can get in the way of becoming truly content and happy, and present for those you love.
I had it all wrong — all the things I was spending my money on added nothing to my self-worth.
It’s not about how much you make, but the life that you make with the money you have.
Part of that journey is never forgetting that who you are is far more important than what you have.