I recently came across a good blog post which highlighted ‘8 fundamentals of extreme achievement’. Though I may not agree completely that the eight tenets align closely with the fundamentals of extreme achievement, but there were a few which were quite good. The four of these fundamentals seem to present an ‘IF—>THEN’ condition, similar to what we use in computer programming. These four fundamentals are:
- If I am scared a lot then I am not doing very much right now
- If I am not being laughed at a lot then also I may not be doing very much right now
- If I focus on something or anything, then it will always get better
- If I am making no decision then it is again like a decision I have taken
Try to realize the power and depth of these statements. These can help us take stock of our lives at any point of time and instill in us much needed dynamism and self belief, if required. So, if we can ask these four questions to ourselves from time to time, and take action to rectify and improve, we would definitely become a better person.