My friend asked my yesterday that what kind of books you don’t like. I replied I can’t stand fiction stuff. Then she asked me why you don’t like fiction. And this question somehow made me pause and think about why I don’t like it. I think I had some poor beginnings – books or authors or simply a few stories I didn’t like at that point of time. The key is I might like them now. And also, that does not mean that I would not like all that is fiction.

The point I am trying to make here is our preferences and choices change with time, as our mental models, experiences and biases change. A strong ‘No’ simply put us in the defensive territory where we refuse to explore things, experiences, situations and people. That may limit the learning we can have, go beyond what is expected of us and limit the potential of people who we influence.

Saying ‘No’ is an art, requires awareness, thinking and wisdom from our part (in that order). We just need to start somewhere.