Most of us find it difficult to concentrate – concentrate on the task at hand, on the present situation or on the thoughts/emotions that deserve attention. It is becoming more and more difficult in the age of information overload – where we are burdened with tons of distractions like Mobile, smart devices and other communication and information channels.

Here is one of the most important tips which I have found useful towards channelizing our energies towards the present. Ponder on the ‘gain or benefit’ which we can derive out of concentration for the said task/situation or emotion. For example, if you need to study a chapter for some time then think of benefits arising out of that study – being a topper, gaining knowledge, playing after that study period etc. (whatever appeals to you).

It will help calm down the mind and focus it in a better manner. Your mind will be driven by the benefits of that duty which it has to perform. Once you practice concentration repeatedly then the habit loop kicks in and you get accustomed to better concentration at will.